Past Meetings

The Global Forum on Bioethics in Research (GFBR) exists to provide a global platform for the exchange and sharing of experience and expertise on research ethics among researchers, research policy makers and ethicists, among others. The Forum also facilitates debate on ethical, social, legal and public policy issues related to health research, and specifically of research involving countries from the north conducting research in the south.

The essential values of the GFBR include the promotion of ethically conducted research; respect for the differences between many stakeholders in research – both geographical, cultural, and scientific; the importance of bringing these together for mutual learning; the urgency of capacity building in health research ethics review in many low-income countries and the need for partnership between north and south in capacity building in ethics and ethical review in the south.

Partnerships between research sponsors and investigators involved in clinical trials in developing countries

Capacity building for ethics review in developing countries and benefiting the host community

Bioethics and public health research, including ethical guidelines related to post-trial access to drugs

Genetics, Genomics and Ethics (Ethics of Genomic Research)

Sharing the benefits from research in developing countries: equity and intellectual property

What Happens When the Research is Over? Post-trial Obligations of Researchers and Sponsors

Ethical Issues in Research involving Public Health, Health Systems, and Health Services

Fostering Research Ethics Infrastructure in the Developing World and Transition Societies

Ethics of research involving indigenous peoples and vulnerable populations

The ethics of International research

Emerging epidemic infections and experimental medical treatments

Ethics of research in pregnancy

Ethics of alternative clinical trial designs and methods in LMIC research

Ethics of research with refugee and migrant populations

Ethics of data sharing and biobanking in health research

Establishing a global ethics response network for Public Health Emergencies

Genome editing for human benefit: ethics, engagement and governance

Revisiting past GFBR topics in the context of COVID-19

Ethical issues arising in research with people with mental health conditions

Ethics of AI in global health research

Ethics of health research priority setting

Ethical issues arising in research into health and climate change