GFBR fellowships 2016/2017 awarded!

We are pleased to announce that the second round of GFBR Fellowships have been awarded. Following a competitive process, the recipients of GFBR Fellowships for 2016-17 are:

Dr Ricardo Palacios – Instituto Butantan, Brasil – “Development of reference documents to incorporate pregnant women in vaccine clinical development plans”

Dr Irene Melamed – Latin American School of Social Sciences, Argentina – “Open Educational Resources: a strategy to reduce the know – do gap in “Ethics of Research in Pregnancy”

Dr Jackeline Alger – Instituto de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Parasitologia Antonio Vidal, Honduras – “Forum on research integrity and ethics of research in pregnancy in Mesoamerica”

Dr Kenneth Ngure – Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya – “Enrolling pregnant adolescents in biomedical research: Ethical considerations for HIV prevention studies”

Dr Mary Kasule – University of Botswana – “Ethical and Scientific complexities in research involving pregnant women affected by HIV and women with the potential to become pregnant during HIV-related research: a case of Botswana”

Dr Titus Divala – University of Malawi – “Ethical implications of the presumption of exclusion of pregnant women in malaria clinical trials”

Ms Sithembile Ruzario – Medical Research Council of Zimbabwe – “Developing guidelines for promoting inclusion of pregnant women in clinical trials in Zimbabwe”

Ms Haihong Zhang – Peking University Health Science Center, China – “Empowering ethical review of research involving pregnant women in China: challenges and possible strategies at the institutional level”

Many congratulations to the awardees and we look forward to hearing more about your projects and meetings as they progress.